Indexation in nuclear medicine is our number one priority and part of our indexation campaign is lobbying federal MPs.

The more federal MPs know about lack of indexation in NM the better the chances of a successful campaign. We encourage all AANMS members to take part in our campaign.

If you are interested in lobbying your local federal member, please contact Lisa Maddocks ( or 0418 874 652) and she can help guide you both with materials and the current state of progress with our campaign.

Online Workshop

Supporting Materials

Supporting a sustainable, accessible and innovative nuclear medicine sector for Australia.

Nuclear medicine is a vital component of patient care and a critical technology for Australia.

The Australasian Association of Nuclear Medicine Specialists (AANMS) is calling for the restoration of funding for nuclear medicine services after a 23-year freeze on indexation on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

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Fact sheet 1: Principles of political engagement

Fact sheet 2: Guidance for engaging your local member

Fact sheet 3: Top tips for advocacy

Common lobbying mistakes

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Key message 1: The contribution of nuclear medicine to Australia’s health outcomes

Key message 2: Funding for nuclear has not been indexed for 23 years

Key message 3: The cost of delivering nuclear medicine has escalated over that 23-year period

Key message 4: Nuclear medicine is an innovative sector with the potential to meet the evolving health needs of the Australian community

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