ANZAPNM History 1988
Frank L. Broderick
A brief history of the ANZAPNM/AANMS and nuclear medicine, written by Dr Frank Broderick FRACP FAANMS, one of the Association’s founding Members.
The Golden Jubilee of the College (in 1988) has provided the motivation for writing this history. The timing was fortunate in that most of the events are still within the memory of ageing cerebral cortices… This brief communication is not a comprehensive history of nuclear medicine in Australia nor of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, although it does touch on both. I was determined that it would not end up an eyeglazing recital of membership of various committees. In that regard it should be remembered that we are a small and democratic association and that most of the members have filled executive positions at some time. I remind them that mention in this narrative is more a question of age than of present fame. I assume also that my readers, apart from loyal family and association members, may include some who have had only passing contact with nuclear medicine, hence the technical explanations.
The Formative Years of Nuclear Medicine in Victoria
John T Andrews
A brief history of nuclear medicine in Victoria, written by another of our founding members, Dr John Andrews AM FRACP FRANZCR FAANMS.
This paper presents the development in Victoria of a medical specialty that was new to Australia. Similar developments were occurring in other states and New Zealand, with Sydney an early leader. Nuclear medicine was already well established in the United States but less so elsewhere except for some units in the United Kingdom and Europe. The interest of medicine in the new field arose from the ease with which physiological measurements could be made with radioisotopes, and to the fact that images could be made with non-invasive techniques. Some lesions could also be localised more easily and targeted with radioisotopes, if necessary.

If you have any documents relating to the history of the ANZAPNM/AANMS and/or nuclear medicine in Australia, or in a particular state/territory, and would be happy to share these, please contact the AANMS Secretariat at