Sites for advanced training in nuclear medicine and/or positron emission tomography (PET) are accredited annually.

This is carried out on behalf of the RACP/RANZCR Committee for Joint College Training (CJCT) in Nuclear Medicine by the AANMS, on the advice of the Association’s Training Site Accreditation Committee (TSAC).

All sites must apply prospectively for accreditation, and must submit an annual report and application for accreditation each year that they wish to provide advanced training in nuclear medicine (including PET where relevant).

Training sites must also undergo visits by TSAC assessors approximately once every four years.

New Applications for Training Site Accreditation

Any new site that does not hold current accreditation for nuclear medicine training must submit an application for accreditation at least six months prior to advertising a training position (see the Standards document).

Accreditation will require a satisfactory application and site visit, and will be granted only from the year after the site visit, as accreditation must be granted, and maintained, prospectively.

If a site requests “urgent” accreditation, i.e. within the same year as the application and site visit, then the TSAC will consider, at its discretion, cost recovery for the costs of an “urgent” site visit.

Sites may be accredited for training as follows:
• General nuclear medicine
• General nuclear medicine and positron emission tomography (PET)
• Paediatric nuclear medicine training only (limited accreditation for rotational sites only)

Further information may be found in the Standards available for download below, or enquiries (including requests for application forms) may be directed to the TSAC via the TSAC Secretariat at

Overseas Training Sites

Trainees wishing to complete a year of nuclear medicine and/or PET training either as a core year or as an elective year, at an overseas site, must ensure that the site they wish to attend is approved for their training prior to accepting a position at the site.

Trainees should obtain advice about their proposed training site and training program from the AANMS Secretariat and the Committee for Joint College Training in Nuclear Medicine (CJCT) well in advance of applying to any overseas site for training in nuclear medicine and/or PET.

The proposed overseas training site must submit an application form for approval to host a trainee in the CJCT’s Advanced Training Program in Nuclear Medicine.

The application must be submitted well in advance of a trainee’s attending the site. In general, trainees should allow at least 6 months for submission of the application, assessment by the TSAC and advice of the outcome of this assessment.

Note that overseas training sites must be pre-approved each year that a trainee in the CJCT’s Advanced Training Program in Nuclear Medicine wishes to attend the site.

The application form for overseas sites may be obtained from the TSAC Secretariat at:


Enquiries about training site accreditation should be directed to the Training Site Accreditation Committee (TSAC) at

For enquiries about requirements for training in nuclear medicine, please contact the Committee for Joint College Training (CJCT) in Nuclear Medicine at, or telephone 02 8247 6218.

For enquiries about trainee positions, download the list of accredited training sites shown below. Please contact the relevant site listed for information about the availability of nuclear medicine training positions.

Note: Prior to taking a position at any training site, trainees must ensure that they check with the CJCT in Nuclear Medicine to ensure that their chosen training site is suitable for their current training needs.

For enquiries about nuclear medicine paediatric rotations, please contact the Committee for Joint College Training (CJCT) in Nuclear Medicine at, or telephone 02 8247 6279.

PET Training for Nuclear Medicine Specialists

Nuclear Medicine specialists wishing to undertake PET training must ensure they obtain prospective approval for their PET training from the CJCT in Nuclear Medicine at or phone 02 8247 6279.

PET training must be undertaken at an accredited PET training site.  A list of currently-accredited nuclear medicine and PET training sites can be downloaded below:

> Accredited Nuclear Medicine and PET Training Sites 2024

> Accredited Nuclear Medicine and PET Training Sites 2025