AANMS Cross-Sectional Anatomy Course
In 2006, as part of its Quality Nuclear Medicine Program, and with the assistance of the Australian Department of Health and Ageing, the AANMS developed a cross-sectional anatomy (CSA) course for nuclear medicine physicians and trainees.
The Course focused on CSA relevant to nuclear medicine, but was also of interest and benefit to a number of other specialist and trainee groups (e.g. radiology trainees, radiation oncologists, rheumatologists).
The Course gained an enviable reputation over the years it was run (2006 – 2019), but it should be noted that the Course was never intended to provide in-depth cross-sectional anatomy training, and in 2020 the AANMS determined that the Course had served its purpose, and that physician nuclear medicine trainees would require more in-depth and continuous cross-sectional anatomy training during their nuclear medicine training. In addition, the vast majority of current AANMS physician fellows had already attended the Course at least once, and it was considered that the need for the Course had diminished considerably.
With these considerations in mind, the AANMS has discontinued the CSA Course, effective from 2021 onwards.
ANZBMS Clinical Densitometry Courses – Next Course: 11 – 12 November 2023 (online course)
The Australian Bone and Mineral Society runs two-day Clinical Densitometry Training Courses each year that are approved for nuclear medicine advanced trainees needing to complete their BMD training requirements.
The Courses are also recommended for nuclear medicine specialists. The Course currently consists of online lectures (note – these are NOT recorded) and workshops.
Please see the ANZBMS website to register for the Course and for further information.
Training in CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA)
Specialists wishing to undertake training in CTCA should check the requirements for training set by the Conjoint Committee for Recognition of Training in CT Coronary Angiography. This Committee is a conjoint committee of the AANMS, the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR).
Information about the training requirements for CTCA, and application forms for recognition of training, are available from the Conjoint Committee’s website at anzctca.org.au. Please check to ensure that any training you plan to undertake will meet the requirements for CTCA.
In particular, it is strongly recommended that you check the Conjoint Committee’s guidelines for minimum requirements for courses in CTCA; the guidelines are available at: anzctca.org.au/ctca-courses.
Enquiries should be directed to the Committee Secretariat at ctca@ranzcr.edu.au