One of the components of the Advanced Training Program in Nuclear Medicine is the Continuous Assessment Program (CAP).
The aims of the CAP are to:
- Provide an objective measure of knowledge of material considered to be necessary for satisfactory performance as a Nuclear Medicine specialist.
- Act as a teaching aid to focus a trainee’s learning on the areas of importance outlined in the Nuclear Medicine Curriculum.
- Provide objective feedback to the trainee and the supervisor on the performance of the trainee.
The CAP is a mandatory component of the Advanced Training Program in Nuclear Medicine of the Committee for Joint College Training (CJCT) in Nuclear Medicine of the RACP and the RANZCR.
The CAP comprises of the following:
Formative Assessment | First Year | Second Year |
Written Assignment | Complete 2 x Witten Assignments | Complete 2 x Witten Assignments |
Oral Assessment Task (OAT) | Complete 1 x OAT | Complete 1 x OAT |
Important Information
The CAP is only open to Trainees undertaking their Advanced Training in Nuclear Medicine. Trainees must also be an AANMS Trainee Member – if you are not yet a member, please join (it’s free and gives you access to the AANMS TREC and provides you with lots of great learning opportunities and support).
Written Assignment Topics will be made available to Trainees at least 2 weeks prior to the due date. The AANMS Education Officer will advise Trainees when the Topic is available.
- Registration to Complete CAP: Open Now – closes Wed 26th March – please register your intention to undertake the CAP or BSC in 2025 so that we can keep you informed with all things CAP related
- Written Assignment 1 Due: Monday 5th May
- Oral Assessment Task (OAT): Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th August
- Written Assignment 2 Due: Monday 15th September
- Requirement: All 3 tasks to be completed in both Year 1 and Year 2 of the Training Program
- Cost: None
- Submission of Assignments: Trainees are required to upload their completed assignment for marking via AANMS’s Trainee Resource and Education Centre (TREC). Results will be distributed via the TREC.
- Completion of the OAT: The OAT may be conducted in-person or via teleconference, this is dependent on the assessor. Results will be distributed via the TREC.
Please contact the AANMS Education Officer if you have any questions.
Governance of the Continuous Assessment Program
While the Committee for Joint College Training in Nuclear Medicine (CJCT) has the overall responsibility for the training of Nuclear Medicine Specialists in Australia and New Zealand, the AANMS manages the Continuous Assessment Program on the CJCT’s behalf and reports to the CJCT and to the Board of the AANMS as required.