Aim of the Course
The aim of the Basic Sciences Course (BSC) is to provide advanced trainees with the basic scientific principles relevant to the clinical applications of nuclear medicine.
Entry to the Course
Advanced trainees in nuclear medicine who are currently under the supervision of the Committee for Joint College Training in Nuclear Medicine (CJCT) of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists may register for the BSC.
Benefits for Advanced Trainees
By actively participating in the BSC trainees will:
- obtain an understanding of the theoretical principles of the basic sciences in nuclear medicine;
be able to apply these principles in clinical nuclear medicine practice, and - obtain practical skills in instrumentation, computer analysis and radiopharmacy.
CJCT Requirements for Training in Basic Sciences
The CJCT requires training in the basic sciences as part of advanced training in nuclear medicine for all trainees. Demonstration of satisfactory training requires satisfactory completion of the BSC, including the written assessment covering the syllabus in basic sciences.
It is strongly recommended that the BSC be undertaken during the first year of advanced training.
Written Assessment
An open book written assessment comprising two 2-hour papers will be undertaken in the advanced trainee’s department under the supervision of the supervisor.
A certificate of completion will be provided to advanced trainees on satisfactory completion of the course (including the written assessment).
It is expected that all advanced trainees will successfully complete the BSC and written assessment. Advanced trainees wishing to seek exemption on the basis of a previously completed course must submit a formal request to the CJCT, which will require satisfactory evidence that the minimum course content has been covered. However, even if exemption from the course work is granted by the CJCT, it remains a requirement that all advanced trainees undertake the written assessment component of the BSC.
For further information, please contact the AANMS Secretariat.